

            Mango is a juicy stone fruit of tropical trees. It is the national fruit of India, Pakistan and Philippines and also the national tree of Bangladesh . The energy value per 100 g (3.5 oz) serving of the common mango is 250 kJ (60 kcal), and that of the apple mango is slightly higher (330 kJ (79 kcal) per 100 g). Fresh mango contains a variety of nutrients (right table), but only vitamin C and foliate are in significant amounts of the Daily Value .            Mango has a much positive effect on our body . Daily intake of mango helps our body in a number of ways.            Discover why monkeys eat mangoes. SOME OF THE BENEFITS OF MANGO ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. LOWER CHOLESTEROL LEVEL IN BODY:         Mango is scientifically prove to lower the cholesterol of body , thereby helping a person to get slim. simply intake of mango juice too can prove useful. 2.TO GET FAIRER SKIN         Mango helps one to get fairer and glowing skin naturally at home, one just need to inc


IN today's modern world one needs to look stylish as well healthy. HEALTH IS WEALTH is what the saying goes. Healthy people make the nations base stronger. Healthy people are meant to live longer in a more happier and disease free way. Being healthy also help one to look more beautiful and stylish. A healthy  person saves money in a number of ways.                   STYLISH PEOPLE   are the ones who attract a number of people. Being stylish does not mean to wear branded clothes and shoes , being stylish is simply looking more beautiful and perfect in our own way. One can simply use a number of methods to look stylish.                                    Home remedies are said to be best and cheapest and easiest way to look stylish and be healthy. Home remedies simply means to use materials and things that one can simply find at home. Home remedies have a long term effect on our body.                        Our website will provide you a lot of information a